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Unit 6 Pets-学生频道-【 苏州家教网 - 0512jj.NET】
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Unit 6 Pets
发布者:本站编辑 发布时间:2008-7-14 阅读:2321次 【字体:

 Unit 6  Pets


一、单词辩音 (选出划线部分一个与众不同的选项)

 (    )1.A. parrot          B. rabbit          C. camp          D. cage

 (    )2. A. end            B. empty           C. open          D. shell

 (    )3. A. sign           B. kilogram        C. bite          D. frighten

 (    )4. A. pull           B. brush           C. hunt          D. bubble

 (    )5. A. hold           B. bottom          C. frock         D. knock


 1. 在阳光下

 2. make sure

 3. 黑白条纹的

 4. too much

 5. 鱼缸


 1. I write to him once a month ____  ____. (至少)

 2. Jim ____  ____  _____ (感兴趣) math.

 3. Millie has a dog ______(名叫) Eddie.

 4. It is necessary to walk them in the park ____  ____  _____ (每周一次)if you want them to be healthy.

 5. You ______  ______(应该) be more polite.


 1. I’ll look after him until the end. (改为同义句)

    I’ll ______  ______  ______ him until the end.

 2. He has to clean the cage once a week. (对划线部分提问)

    ________  ________  ________ he ________  ________ clean the cage?

 3. You ought to read the newspapers in the sun. (改为否定句)

    You ________  ________  ________ read the newspapers in the sun.

 4. Rabbits eat all kinds of vegetables. (改为一般疑问句)

    ________ rabbits ________ all kinds of vegetables?

 5. clean, bird, the, please, cage (连词成句)



 1. 你不应该把金鱼从水中拿出来。

    You ________  ________  ________take the goldfish out of water.

 2. 彼得对金色感兴趣。Peter ________  ________  ________ gold fish.

 3. 我喜欢看它四处游动。I like watching it________ around.

 4. 有时他很吵闹。

    Sometimes he________  ________  ________  ________  ________.

 5. 她一点也不麻烦。She is________  ________  ________.



 1.D          2. C          3. B          4. A          5.A


 1. in the sun


 3. black and white


 5. fish tank

三、根据汉语及句意完成下列句子,每空一词 least interested in


 4.once a week

 5.ought to


 1.take care of照顾

 2.How often does…have to多久

 3.ought not to不应该


 5. Please clean the bird cage.请将鸟笼清扫干净。


 1. ought not to不应该

 2. is interested in感兴趣

 3. swim游泳

 4. makes a lot of noise很吵闹

 5. never any trouble一点也不麻烦


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