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Unit 3 A day out 【学习目标】-- 苏州家教网 - 教师频道
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Unit 3 A day out 【学习目标】
发布者:本站编辑 发布时间:2009-2-19 阅读:3893次 【字体:

Unit 3  A  day  out




    `highway    `interest     `traffic      `wonderful      `movement

   `monument     `palace      `temple      `exercise        `president

   `Washington   `Sydney       ex`cited     a`mazing         compe`tition

   mu`seum       Aus`tralia    pa`rade


    You nee(d) to exercise an(d) kee(p) fit.            the Worl(d) Park

    The Golden Ga(te) Bridge looke(d) jus(t) li(ke) the one ba(ck) home, too.


    `What are you `doing, ↘Eddie?

    I’m `going to `exercise, ↘Hobo.

    Are you `going to `climb the ↗hill?

    Shall we `go to the `Great ↗Wall?

    Did you `all `have a `good ↗time?

    `Yes, we ↘did. We `really `enjoyed ↘ourselves!



    the Opera House, the Eiffel Tower, highway, interest, traffic, wonderful, movement,

    monument, the White House, palace, temple, exercise, president, Washington, Sydney,

    excited, amazing, competition, museum, parade, coach, pyramid, cousin, underground.


    keep fit                    保持健康

    come on                     赶快

    enjoy oneself               玩得开心

    find out                    查明;得到;了解

    go past                     走过,路过,经过

    take care                   留神,小心,当心

    a little                    一点儿;稍微

    have a wonderful time       玩得高兴;过得愉快

    invite sb to do sth         邀请某人干某事

    at the beginning            在开始时

    the World Park              世界公园

    at the school gate          在校门口

    get on the coach            上大客车

    on the highway              在高速公路上

    feel sick                   晕车;感到恶心、呕吐

    the top of                  在……顶部

    the Eiffel Tower            艾菲尔铁塔

    the famous Opera House      悉尼歌剧院

    the White House             白宫

    the River Seine             塞纳河

    be made of                  由……而制成

    get off                     下车

    not…any more               不再

    the song and dance parade   歌舞队伍

    join sb in sth              和某人在一起,伴随(某人做某事)

    teach oneself               自学

    in front of                 在……前面

    places of interest          名胜古迹

    all over the world          全世界

    from…to…                   从……到……

    too much traffic             交通太拥挤

    most of the trip             大部分旅途

    the Temple of heaven         天壇

    the Summer Palace            颐和园

    Tian’anmen Square           天安门广场

    the Great Wall               长城

    the Palace Museum            故宫

    Beijing Amusement Park       北京游乐园

    Beijing Underground Station  北京地铁站


    What are you doing, Eddie?

    I’m going to exercise, Hobo.

    Are you going to climb the hill?

    Did you all have a good time?

    Yes, we did. We really enjoyed ourselves!


   1.and, but, or属于并列连词, and 连接“相似”的内容;but 连接“相反”的内容;or连接“选择”的内容。它们可连接句子、并列谓语或并列的其它成分。

    例如: I help him and he helps me.我帮助他, 他帮助我。

    They saw the tower and liked it very much.他们看过那座塔, 非常喜欢它。

    I can speak English and Japanese.我会说英语和日语。

    Betty likes dancing but she doesn’t like singing.贝蒂喜欢跳舞, 但不喜欢唱歌。

    I have a son but not a daughter.我有个儿子但没有女儿。

    Do you have milk or orange?你喝牛奶, 还是喝桔子汁?

    You may write to me or telephone me.你可以写信给我, 或给我打电话。

   〖注意〗:当or 连接两个主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式与or后面的主语相一致。

    例如:Either you or I am right.你和我有一个是对的(或者是你对;或者是我对)。

    James or Helen is going to tell us a story.是詹姆斯还是海伦要给我们讲故事。

   2. 动词+不定式结构

    在英语中,有些动词(如:agree, choose, decide, hope, plan, prepare, want)后要跟不定式,即“to + 动词原形”,这个不定式在句中充当宾语。例如:

    They decided to go on a trip next week.他们决定下个星期去旅行。

    My father agreed to swim with me.我父亲同意和我一起游泳。

    She wanted to borrow my CD player.她想借我的CD机。

   3. 反身代词reflexive pronouns

    用来表示“我自己”、“你自己”、“他/她/它自己”“ 我们自己”、“你们自己”、“他们自己”的代词叫反身代词。反身代词在句中可以做宾语、主语或宾语的同位语,也可以做介词补足成分。例如:

    They enjoyed themselves at the party yesterday.  (做宾语)

    I will do the work myself.  (做宾语the work的同位语)

    He himself told me the news. 他亲自告诉了我这个消息。  (做主语He的同位语)

    She was worried about herself, not about him.  (做介词about补足成分)

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