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Unit 2 Growing pains 重点词汇讲解-- 苏州家教网 - 教师频道
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Unit 2 Growing pains 重点词汇讲解
发布者:本站编辑 发布时间:2009-9-2 阅读:1900次 【字体:

Unit 2  Growing pains




   explain sth. to sb. / explain to sb. sth. 向某人解释某事
   explanation . 解释
   give an explanation of sth. 解释某事
   The teacher explained the meaning of the sentence to us.
   The teacher explained to us the meaning of the sentence.
   He explained(to the teacher)why he was late.
   How do you explain your rude behavior?

   sink or swim .孤注一掷,不论成败
   My husband was washing dishes in the sink.
   The moon was sinking behind the mountains.
   I'm afraid drinking will sink him.
   Why don't you leave your son to sink or swim by himself?

   3.charge. 照管;管理
   in charge(of)负责,掌管
   in the charge of sb. 由某人照料/管理
   free of charge 免费 . 索价
   charge for对……索费
   charge sb. money for sth.(就……)向(人)索取……费用
   She is in charge of our class. 她担任我们的班主任。
   You get service free of charge. 你可得到免费的服务。
   How much do you charge for a room with a bath?
   They charged me five dollars for a cup Of coffee.

   4.cross.交叉;横过;擦肩而过cross out 划线,删除.交叉点;十字架.脾气不好的
   She sat down and crossed her legs. 她坐下来,两腿交叉着。
   She crossed the street with her hand up. 她举着手穿越马路。
   They crossed on the way home. 他们在回家途中擦肩而过。
   He wrote crosses on the wrong answers.
   Don't be so cross with me! 不要对我动气(发怒)!

   complain to sb. about / of sth. 向某人抱怨某事
   complaint . 抱怨
   She complained to me about his bad manners.
   I have no complaint about my pay. 关于我的薪水我没什么不满。

   6.suffer. &. 遭受,忍受,受惩罚
   His health suffered terribly from heavy drinking.
   He is suffering from a bad cold. 他正患重感冒。
   The factory suffered a great loss in the fire.
   The people in the flooded area are suffering(from)cold and hunger.

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